TSV 1860 München 2008-09 Special Kit

Team TSV 1860 München
Season 08-09
Type Special
Design Graphic
Colors White / Sky blue
Brand Erima
Sponsor Trenkwalder
League 2. Bundesliga · DFB-Pokal
4.00 / 8 votes
Credits hannover-trikot.de.tl
Featuring the names of all season ticket holders. Worn in the last match before christmas against 1. FC Nürnberg.
Worn by the likes of Lars Bender and Sven Bender.
Added by CJ Grêmio FBPA
Ultimate (60515) XInstagram

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Updated 2023-04-16 23:13 CET
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TSV 1860 München 2008-09 Kits

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2. Bundesliga 2008-09 Kits

Erima 2008-09 Kits

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