The 2016 season was a landmark year for Miami FC, marking their debut in professional soccer as a new franchise in the N...orth American Soccer League (NASL). Founded in 2015 and owned by international entrepreneur Riccardo Silva, Miami FC aimed to bring high-level soccer to the vibrant and diverse city of Miami. The team quickly became a focal point for local soccer enthusiasts, making waves with its ambitious approach both on and off the field. In their inaugural season, Miami FC competed in the NASL, which was the second tier of the American soccer pyramid at the time. The team had a challenging start but showed steady improvement throughout the year. The team that was managed by Italian legend Alessandro Nesta counted on Dario Cvitanich, Wilson Palacios and Ghana's Poku as their main protagonists. River Plate 's former goalkeeper Daniel Vega was their wall under the three posts