In 1939 as the political temperature in Europe rose and war drew inexorably closer, football played on, to all intents a...nd purposes unaware of what was going on in the wider world. The collapse of the Scottish Football Combination in 1937 had left Ocoba with only the West of Scotland Amateur League and 3 senior cup competitions to play in. So when in June 1939 they were invited by Babcocks & Wilcox FC to attend a meeting to discuss resurrecting the dormant Scottish Alliance League (to which the Vale had twice belonged previously, albeit for very short periods in 1892-93 and 1926 -27) they duly went along.
Ocoba already felt that with the improved financial situation in the area, the Vale could once again support a Senior team. Although it was Vale Ocoba who attended the meeting and agreed to join the Scottish Alliance, it was Vale of Leven FC who duly took out membership not only of the Scottish Alliance, but also of the Scottish Football Association. The Vale of Leven FC name was back in football, although in practice the spirit and organisation had never been away. At the same time, the Vale Ocoba disappeared from sight never to be heard of again.